Our strategy

We are mobilizing people to utilize natural resources and the natural environment as borrowed from their grand children contrally to the current wasteful trend where resources are used as inherited from grand parents. We are persuaded that people are more careful with borrowed property than is the case with inherited property.

For those who reverence God, we promote the message of stewardship before the creator.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

REDD is here, Is Uganda prepared?

REDD is most likely to be included in the post 2012 climate agreement yet many information gaps exist. Over 150 participants from various stakeholders participated in the recently  concluded (March 31st) REDD inception workshop in Malaysia. Participants gave valuable comments on the proposed activities and stakeholder involvement in the implementation of UN-REDD. UK is still debating about the Robin Hood tax where many are positive to contribute 0.05% of their earning to suuport developing countries in addressing climate climate change.
 In this countdown to distribution of benefits from carbon trading, how is Uganda and developing coutries prepared. Its thus becoming of more urgency first to quantify out carbon stoocks, put in place monitoring mechanisms and sensitising the players to include local communities and academic institutions among others.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Need to quantify carbon stocks in Uganda

Climate change and associated effects to human wellbeing and biodiversity conservation are attracting global attention. International conventions including the Rio earth summit (1992), Kyoto Protocol and the recently concluded Cop 15 in Copenhagen (2009) highlight the need to come up with practical mitigation measures to address the negative effects of climate change. Suggested mitigation measures include cutting greenhouse emissions, carbon trading and ensuring adaptation among most vulnerable communities.

Recent studies in carbon cycle reveal that soil and vegetation in terrestrial ecosystems act as carbon sinks.  They thus avail a great opportunity for carbon trading as a means to address climate change. In order to achieve the same, owners of forested and or agricultural land shall have to be motivated with funds mainly from the developed countries. However, without quantifying the carbon content under such land uses and mean annual carbon sequestation per unit area of vegetation cover, distribution of carbon credits may be difficult. CEF Uganda is therefore devoted to conducting related research around the country particularly in the Albertine rift. We have already conducted a related study in Fort Portal municipality and results are yet to be published. Plans are under way to obtain research funding.

Whispers of nature

Whispers of nature are heard in our ears everyday, along with praises to the creator. It is written, every thing that has breath praise the Lord. Then cries and warnings of mis management, landslides, species extinction, global warming and wide spread pollution fueled by greed and selfishness. "Shall we ever listen and act accordingly?"