Our strategy

We are mobilizing people to utilize natural resources and the natural environment as borrowed from their grand children contrally to the current wasteful trend where resources are used as inherited from grand parents. We are persuaded that people are more careful with borrowed property than is the case with inherited property.

For those who reverence God, we promote the message of stewardship before the creator.

Contact us

P.O.Box. 2560 Makerere Hill Road
Kampala Uganda
email: rsekisambu@forest.mak.ac.ug

Tel: +256712670269

Whispers of nature

Whispers of nature are heard in our ears everyday, along with praises to the creator. It is written, every thing that has breath praise the Lord. Then cries and warnings of mis management, landslides, species extinction, global warming and wide spread pollution fueled by greed and selfishness. "Shall we ever listen and act accordingly?"